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Home > Mobile App > Recruit > Recruit QR Code
Recruit QR Code
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Access the App Menu

  1. Tap on the menu icon and select either Fundraise or Recruit:
    1. Fundraise: This option is available for everyone.
    2. Recruit: Only team captains have access to this feature.

Find and Share Your QR Code

  1. A QR code is available under both Fundraise and Recruit. Both works similarly but have distinct purposes.
    1. Use Fundraise to share your fundraising page.
    2. Use Recruit to invite new members to join your team.
  2. Sharing options for the QR code:
    1. Tap the Envelope icon to send the QR code via email.
    2. Tap the Save icon to download the QR code to your device’s camera roll.
    3. Tap the Share icon for additional sharing options (such as sharing via social media or messaging apps).







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